Writing & righting my wwworld

Over the past few months I've been working on development of a couple of blogs, each targeted at a different audience. I wanted to let folks know more about what and where those writings are, so you can choose which - if any of them - you'd like to follow.

My party @ christinaswwworld blog feeds directly into my facebook notes. It is the most personal of my blogs, about my life as a global gypsy and some of the things I've learned.
  • If you are following me on Facebook, what I post at the christinaswwworld blog will appear in your stream automatically. You don't need to leave facebook to read those new entries.

  • I also share this blog with some friends in the entrecard.com blogger community, that I've made while learning about personal blogging from them over the past couple of years.

  • New posts are additionally tweeted out to @ChristinasWorld followers at Twitter, and appear in the twitterfeed that's published at http://Evolutionize.It .

Evolutionize It: change through collaboration, is a new blog that I have started to chronicle progress in building the new social enterprise that I have recently co-founded in Brussels, Belgium.
  • New posts at the Evolutionize It blog will NOT post automatically to my facebook account.

  • I have, however, just started an Evolutionize It fan page at facebook, and will crosspost new blog entries there. So if you'd like to follow the chronicles of building Evolutionize It via facebook, please Become a Fan of Evolutionize It and enjoy reading about some of our current and upcoming collaborative adventures in the global social change sector.

  • New posts at Evolutionize.It will also be tweeted by Evolutionize It board members @ChristinasWorld and @liadavide

  • If you'd like to subscribe to follow the Evolutionize It blog by email or in a blog reader service, please visit http://Evolutionize.It and subscribe in the top right column.

Internet4Change is another blog for an Evolutionize It project I've been working on sporadically since September. I have slowed down on it recently, but it is by no means a dead project.
  • Watch for new posts about online collaboration 4 social change strategies on Twitter @ChristinasWorld and/or @liadavide, or

  • subscribe with a reader to the Internet4Change feed, and visit the main site now and again to see what's changed.

  • A further developed Internet4Change site launch is planned for later this year, in conjunction with the launch of a guide to the collaboration in the online social change space that I'm working on with @NurtureGirl from Thrivable.org.

Finally, you're all invited to participate with me in the World Bank's Urgent Evoke game between now and 12 May.
  • It's an online game that's designed to teach world-changing collaboration skills in less than 6 weeks,

  • it's open for everyone on the world wide web to play.

  • I'm still figuring it out, and would love to see you there!
So there you go... it's up to you to decide how much or how little of what I'm writing you'd like to follow. Now you know where it is if you want it :-)

Happy Spring!