10 things to miss and not miss about Uganda

Thank you so much to everyone for your encouraging comments on my daughter Christine's post. This one is written by 13 year old Thomas, my first born. The reader posed questions were really useful in helping him get started. Keep 'em coming!

Hey everyone my name is Thomas, but some of you might know that, and i am 13 years old. I have lived with my parents in Uganda for ten whole years and we are just about ready to leave and head back to Brussels where i spent 3 years of my childhood. My hobbies are break-dancing just like my bro, drawing and reading. Sometimes if i am in the mood i will try to play golf.

Two people from the blogosphere have asked me some questions:

windmill asked: what role models do i set for my younger brothers?

At first i didn't understand the question very well so i asked my mom, now that i have an idea of what it's about my answer is. Some of the role-models that i set for my younger brothers are completing my homework on time and not leaving it until last minute... And sometimes, Lucas, asks for tips on girls and i help Ben with his numbers and letters once in a while and he is so smart. I hope that this answer is what you want.

Nancy asked me also how we feel about leaving Africa and the emotions that go wit it. My answer to that is:

I feel kind of sad leaving Africa because i know soo many people who i might never see again, i am relieved because now we don't have to deal with all the potholes and dust. I am happy because i get to live in Belgium again. those are the three main emotions that i feel. Thank you Nancy and Windmill it has been a great experience answering these questions on my first entry.

Continuing on from Nancy's statement, the top ten things that i will miss from Uganda are:

exquisite food
national parks
wild animals
the word matatu ( local transport )
all the people i know
my school plus the teachers
break-dance project Uganda ( a project that enables break-dance around the country )
my room
my house

The top ten things i wont miss are:

nasty milk
terrible driving
slow Internet
power cuts
bad phone network
water shortage
Mr. Museveni ( Uganda's president )
boda bodas and matatus (local transport )

Now that some of you have asked me questions i would like to ask you some.

How did you learn about party at Christina's world?

Would you ever like to come and visit Uganda after the descriptions that me and my mom have given?

Hope to hear from you soon, thats all from me for now
